Monday, January 17, 2022

Sunday at the Duomo

We read that the Duomo 10:30 service is a traditional Latin Mass with Gregorian Chant, and decided to try it. When we got there, a couple dozen people were seated right in front near the altar; the front of the nave area had chairs set up about two meters apart. People came in and went out during the service; probably about half the chairs were occupied. The organ played a lively prelude, then the chanting began. I was surprised that the organ played along with the chant throughout the service. I thought I would be able to follow along, as I have sung masses many times in my choral days. But I could only get the first parts -- Kyrie eleison, Gloria, Sanctus, Credo. Lots of "in spirito sancto, amen". The priests sang into mikes so it was easy to hear. The acoustics of the enormous cathedral made understanding difficult, though. There were sections that were read, not sung -- prayers or Scripture, I couldn't be sure. The congregation stood frequently, depending on what was being said or sung. When the priest spoke, the echo resounded throughout the dome and the transept. For communion, the group at the front lined up, but the priests brought the host to the area we were in; those who wanted to partake remained standing.

It was quite cold in the church; when we came out into the upper 40s it felt warmer. It was a great experience but probably one we won't repeat.

Saturday when we walked to San Marco, a number of police were gathering at an intersection. I'm not sure if they were protesting or celebrating.

One of the buildings along the street leading to San Marco

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