Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday at WOSA/NA

Last evening the opening session consisted mainly of welcome, announcements, and introductions. We ended by singing all the Woodstock School songs rousingly led by Charlene.
Today was the first full day of the reunion. The morning began with the WOSA/NA Annual Meeting, as required by our bylaws. We began with the business of last year's minutes, election of Council members, and thank you's. Nathan gave a brief presentation on SAGE with a student-produced video of the winter tour that was enjoyed by all. Chris introduced the theme of the next year's annual fund - "Raise Your Hand For Woodstock." He also announced the first annual Worldwide Woodstock Day on October 24 where Woodstockites everywhere are encouraged to get together and send a picture or recording of themselves to the school.

David Laurenson spoke about his first year as principal at the school. He was well received and there were good questions from the audience.

There are four workshops being presented twice. We attended Greg's talk on Biodiversity and Genetics. He explained complicated research topics in a way that we all could understand. Again, the questions from the audience were excellent.

In the afternoon there was free time for visiting, walking, choir practice, and whatever folks wanted to do. The bazaar area was busy most of the time. The khana was held in a gym in the evening. Unfortunately, the kitchen didn't quite realize the size of Woodstock appetites for Indian food and it ran a bit short at the end. The program focused on Outdoor Education at Woodstock and concluded with a slide show hike up Flag Hill.

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